An overview of all MPA assessment centers for driving fitness can be found here in alphabetical order.
In principle, obtaining proof that you are living without alcohol or drugs is a very simple process: You register with us and receive all the necessary information and documents. We will answer your questions at any time, and you can also arrange appointments at short notice. In short: We are here for you!
Which control program is suitable for which proof of abstinence?
- Urine analyzes and hair analyzes are suitable for proving abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol.
- Controlled alcohol consumption can also be proven with a hair analysis.
- The PEth control program can be used to prove both alcohol abstinence and controlled alcohol consumption.
Our ways of proving your abstinence
You can generally proof your abstinence with urine samples in an abstinence control program or by hair analysis. The samples are analyzed in a specifically accredited laboratory. After the analysis we will issue a certificate regarding your abstinence documentation, including all information required for submission at an MPA.
Important: Please ensure to document continuous abstinence up until the date of the MPA examination.
You can prove your abstinence using hair samples (hair analysis). For hair samples, it is important to remember that hair grows on average 1 cm per month. To prove alcohol abstinence, hair up to a maximum of 3 cm in length is tested. This means that you can prove alcohol abstinence for the three months before the date each hair sample is collected. To prove drug abstinence, hair up to a maximum of 6 cm in length can be tested. Therefore, you can prove drug abstinence for up to six months before the date each hair sample is collected.
Have you been caught with cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, hashish, ectasy, opioids and/or heroin? As a rule, you must now abstain from drugs and provide evidence of this. For drug abstinence, hair samples up to a maximum of six centimeters may also be examined. This allows you to prove that you have abstained from drugs for up to six months before the hair sample date.
Only want to document a reduction in alcohol consumption, without needing proof of abtinence? Hair analysis can show reduced alcohol consumption for a period of 3 months (hair length of 3 cm) retroactively.
It is easy to make appointments for providing hair samples at short notice and at any time – just get in touch!
IMPORTANT: Hair must be untreated – i.e., colored or bleached hair cannot be used.
First, you conclude an agreement with us for a monitoring program over a fixed period (e.g. 4, 6, 12 or 15 months). During this period, you will be called in for a urine collection within 24 hours by text message. It is important that you are available and let us know if you are ill or on vacation, for example.
The number of urine samples is prescribed for an abstinence monitoring program:
1 Year: at least 6 Urine samples
6 months: at least 4 Urine samples
We will contact you the day before the urine test via text message. On the day of the appointment, we will contact a sample of your urine under supervised conditions. The urine sample will then be tested in a laboratory that is specially accredited for tests of this nature. The urine is tested for the presence of your drug abstinence, a lab test for detecting what is known as “polytoxic drug use” is carried out. The urine is tested for metabolites of different substances (cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, methadone and possibly buprenorphine, tilidine and tramadol).
If you want to prove your abstinence for an MPA using urine samples, you should start as soon as possible. Sign up to an abstinence monitoring program with us via our simple sign-up process!
Would you like to prove your abstinence from alcohol or controlled consumption of alcohol by means of a blood analysis? This procedure is called PETh. Here, too, you conclude a contract for a control program. PEth is a direct alcohol marker that is determined in the blood. Our abstinence control programs with PEth are recognized as suitable findings for an MPU. If you opt for a control program with PEth, you have three major advantages compared to a urine control program:
1. you are called in 2 days in advance, instead of one day in advance as required for urine testing.
2. there is no need to give urine under visual control.
3. a urinalysis is performed to check how diluted the urine is. If it is too diluted, the analysis cannot be used and we have to repeat it. This means additional costs for you. This risk does not exist with a blood analysis.
Proving abstinence – make an appointment today
Get in touch with us to make a personal appointment. Use proof of abstinence to prove that you are living a drug and/or alcohol-free life. We can support you in your goal.
At our regular, free information events you will receive in-depth information that describes the course of a medical-psychological assessment and proof of abstinence using urine samples or hair analysis.
Do I need proof of abstinence for my MPA and for what period of time would it be required?
If you are required to undergo a medical-psychological assessment (MPA) as a result of drug or medication use, a proof of drug abstinence is typically required. Usually, abstinence must be proven for more than one year. In exceptional cases, six months are also sufficient. This depends on how serious your drug use was – if you are unsure, seek professional help to clarify the situation.
If you are required to undergo an MPA as a result of alcohol consumption, a proof of alcohol abstinence is not always required. If you are unable to control your alcohol consumption,a proof of alcohol abstinence for more than 15 months is a must. If you are unsure whether you can permanently control your alcohol consumption or if you should permanently abstain from drinking alcohol, we recommend that you arrange a consultation with an experienced traffic psychologist or an alcohol counseling center.
Can I also prove that I can control my alcohol consumption?
Have you recognized that your consumption of alcohol is problematic and have changed your drinking patterns? Would you like to prove this for an MPA? By means of a hair analysis using a hair sample of max. 3 cm in length, controlled consumption of alcohol (i.e., consumption that is acceptable from a social and health-related point of view) can be proven for three months in each instance.
At all our branches, you can easily obtain findings from us to support your declaration of controlled alcohol consumption. Get in touch with us and make an appointment!
Is proving my abstinence enough to receive a positive MPA assessment?
To put it very clearly: no! If abstinence is required, you must still prove that you are already abstaining from consuming alcohol or using drugs. But this is not enough. After all, the objective is to show that you will also remain abstinent in the future. And because the issue is precisely about the future, you must confront your history of alcohol consumption or drug use and work through the reasons behind it. You can find support from qualified traffic psychologists or addiction support facilities. Only if you deal with the causes and know what exactly you need to change can you remain abstinent in the long term.