Lightning protection

Lightning protection defends your building inside and outside against the effects of a lightning strike in order to protect people in the building and the building itself.  


Fire alarm and warning systems

Have your fire alarms and warning systems checked on a regular basis. Only working fire alarms can protect people and property.


Inspection of electrical systems in accordance with DGUV, Regulation 3 and BetrSichV §10 (German Industrial Safety Ordinance)

The German Industrial Safety Ordinance demands employers and operators of electrical plants to accept a high level of responsibility.

Emergency power supply and emergency lighting

In the event of a power failure, a fire protection system must ensure a continuous power supply. We support you when planning and installing systems of this nature during construction, as well as testing their efficacy and operating safety.


Inspection of electrical installations according to VdS

We can perform all inspections of electrical installations as required by the insurer in accordance with Clause SK 3602.


Inspection of building technology installations according to TPrüfVO

Technical installations in buildings must be regularly inspected to ensure that they are fully functional. We will gladly conduct these inspections for you.